January 20, 2023 0 Comments
This post is part of our Handy Dandy Feminine Hygiene Guide. If you have not done so, please read the post prior to this one by clicking here
Optimal pH of the Vagina
If you want your love tunnel to thrive, you should maintain a specific pH balance. The pH measures how acidic or alkaline something is.
Fun Fact: Your vagina is almost as acidic as wine!
The normal vaginal pH is 3.5 to 4.5 while the pH of most wines is around 3.0 or 4.0. This is the optimal pH to maintain the delicate balance of the protective bacteria in your vagina.
It’s harmful when you wash too much, don’t wash enough, or use the wrong products.
Most body washes and soaps have a pH range of 8-10, which can destroy the natural acidic layer that protects your vag. Any imbalance may mean irritation, itching, foul odor, and yeast infections.
Check on next blog post on vagina vs vulva